Halo Smart Sensor
Initially intended for schools to combat the vaping and school shooting epidemics, HALO IoT (Internet of Things) Smart Sensor has now expanded across industries. The HALO detects environmental changes that occur in privacy concern areas. As a device on the network, it will send alerts to security personnel.
With HALO, designated personnel will be alerted when environmental changes occur in typically unsupervised areas. HALO can detect flammables, hazardous chemicals, air quality changes such as vaping and smoking and changes in temperature and humidity. HALO can also detect noise level fluctuations and can send alerts when unusual activity occurs. HALO will also analyze room occupancy through light detection. HALO includes a built-in tamper detection alert.
Utilizing the latest in smart technology, HALO adds a layer of security in places not covered by traditional surveillance cameras.
With HALO, security staff can now monitor areas where cameras are not allowed. Staff can get these alerts through the web or traditional burglar, video management systems, access control or building management tools