
Zoom Now Supports Calls with Up to One Million

Posted By Remote Techs On 08-October-2024

If you’ve ever been on a Zoom call and thought, “It would be great if more people could join in,” you’re in luck. The biggest name in video conferencing software just announced that event organizers can host up to one million attendees on a single-use webinar, significantly increasing from the previous maximum capacity of 100,000.

Although it’s unlikely that most users will ever need to include that many people on a video call, the increased capacity makes it possible to organize large-scale events using the online meeting platform. For example, large organizations with members worldwide can tap into the expanded webinar hosting to include more people in annual meetings or other gatherings. Other potential applications include celebrity events, political rallies, and product launches.

What You Need To Know About Zoom Webinars’ Increased Capacity

With more organizations embracing the potential of online events, virtual collaboration tools like Zoom are critical to allowing individuals worldwide to collaborate in real-time to learn, share ideas, and communicate with each other. Increasing these events’ capacity makes it easier than ever for organizers to connect to and engage with larger audiences.

The change comes after several well-publicized fundraising events for the 2024 presidential election. The single-use webinar product is separate from the company’s monthly and annual subscription plans. Organizations can choose from pay-per-event, pay-per-month, and pay-per-attendee pricing options.

The Zoom Webinar product offers a variety of single-use webinar packages starting at 10,000 participants. Other options include 50,000, 100,000, 200,000, and 250,000 attendees, with the maximum number of attendees topping at one million. Prices for high-capacity webinars on remote communication services start at $9,000 for 10,000 attendees and go up to $100,000 for one million participants.

According to Zoom, event organizers can plan up to 30 hours of sessions with as many as 1,000 presenters. The goal is to create a truly interactive experience closer to an in-person conference without the travel.

Additional Features for Online Event Planning 

Although Zoom is a video call application at its core, organizers who invest in single-use webinar capabilities via Zoom also receive access to additional features designed to help with event planning, execution, and analysis.

Organizers can use analytical tools to manage event registration, track attendees, and track engagement. Ideally, these insights will support future event plans and ensure success and a smooth experience for organizers and attendees alike.

Why Use Zoom for Webinars?

Zoom Webinar offers multiple advantages over other virtual event hosts, ensuring seamless experiences. The platform also touts zero latency, ensuring attendees can participate in real-time without lag.

Ultimately, the new single-use webinar option provides Zoom clients with increased flexibility beyond the current Zoom Sessions and Zoom Events products, making it excellent for most events.



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